Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So this has been weighing on my mind for quite awhile now. And now that I have a blog I can vent. Why is it that people are so dang fake?? NIce to yours, and everyones face, but as soon and you and others are not  around you are the topic of conversations. I have a friend that is so dang bad at this and it makes me so mad. Everybody loves this person thinking that they are so bubbly and fun to be around, and so nice to everyone. But little do they know they are always being talked about when they are not around. It puts you in a hard spot, when one of your friends thinks this person is their best friend, but little do they know they are always being bashed. I have come to know if someone is always bashing people they call their friends, you know that they are talking trash about you. What is it. Why are people so bad at this. Not to say that I have never done this, but it is awful. I think a lot of it must have to do with being jealous. Why is it that people (girls mostly), are so jealous. I look at my Husband who is such a example to me. He is the most non judgemental, hard working and non Jealous person, I know.. He is 100% with NOT keeping up with the Jones. He would be content with living in a shack and driving a beater car. And always seems to find the good in everyone. So the question is what do you do, just keep your mouth shut to your friend, or do you say something??

1 comment:

  1. When the time is right I would say something about it, as a concern, but nicely. I admit girls are so rude, judgemental & mean sometimes. I thinks that's why most of my best friends growing up were boys. If she doesn't change, I'd change friends! We sure like you & Lane so much, so down to earth, kind, sweet & easy to get along with! Wish we lived closer, I'd be fun to hang out still. Take care & good luck with everything!
